1. A few weeks ago DJ came down with a fever out of no where. It was on a Friday. He came home from playing at a friends house and was exhausted and fevered. He went to bed and fell asleep. Not a good sign when it's only 4:00pm. He woke up at about 5:30pm screaming that his head was killing him. I couldn't calm him down. I actually ran him to Emergency cause it kind of threw me off. He's never had a headache before, plus he had a horrible, deep cough, and a fever. But they said it was just viral. So we came home. Well he had a fever all weekend and so on Monday took him to our family Dr and he said the same thing, it was viral. Then on Tuesday, he was very lethargic and his fever kept creeping higher and higher. It was making me a bit nervous. He wasn't feeling good at all. I felt really bad for him. I was telling Richard this at supper time and asking him what we should do. The phone rang at that time. It was Dr. Steed from Emergency in Raymond. He asked to talk to me. He said he was returning my call about DJ. Which was very odd, cause I never called there at all. I told him that but said, "Since you are on the phone, I am worried about DJ." I told him what was going on and that his fever was at about 39 degrees. He told me to bring him in and that they would do a chest x-ray. He said that after 4 days of a consistent fever it tells him that it's not viral. So away we went. They did the chest x-ray and DJ has pneumonia in his right lung. It was pretty bad. Which totally explains everything. So they got him on antibiotics and we also eventually got him some steroids to help with his breathing and the puffer. By Friday afternoon he was starting to feel so much better. He just tired out very easily. Poor guy. But what a blessing that the Dr called at the time he did. It was kind of weird at the time but I'm chalking it up as a HUGE blessing. Kind of cool! DJ is doing much better. He got another x-ray of his chest and it's all cleared up. Yay!
This was when he got home from his friends and crashed on my bed. |
He loves laying on my bed and me dumping the clean clothes on him. He thinks its so funny!! |
Poor boy was miserable. He seemed to get a lot of headaches with the pneumonia. So this was our solution. It worked well. |
2. We have a beaver or two in our creek by our house. They made two very cool looking dams. Then the other night the kids actually saw it swimming around in the water. Who knows how many are in there.
3. Spring is finally here! Yay! So nice out lately. I mowed our lawn for the first time last weekend. I loved being out on the tractor. I got so burnt. My arms and neck were bright red. I seriously can't remember the last time I've ever burnt my arms. So weird.
4. I have a very busy girl on my bus. One day she was out picking weeds while we were waiting for all the kids to get on. She stays in my sight (my rule). Then she jumps up the stairs and I was thinking that she was going to hand over her handful of "Flowers". But nope she looked at me and took a big bite of them. She chewed it all up and swallowed and was like, mmmmm that's delicious. It surprised me and made me laugh. But then she seriously wouldn't stop eating the weeds. It was disgusting. She also tried a dandelion and she ate an ant. Oh boy!
5. I had a special scan done last week to determine if the other "tumor" behind my stomach was an extra spleen. Which is what the dr's were thinking. It took 1 1/2 hrs of me strapped very tightly to a skinny, metal table with my arms over my head. It was pure torture. I could barely get off the table once it was finished. Anyways, Dr. Mack called me a few days later and it isn't an extra spleen. Which is disappointing. But the good news, is it hasn't grown at all. So he's just going to keep an eye on it. We'll do another CT Scan in 6 months and go from there. So that's good. I am feeling so much better. It's been a very slow process but that was to be expected. But I'm just so grateful that things have all worked out. I feel so blessed!
6. We live just East of the Windmill hill! I love looking to the west and seeing those huge windmills. So one Sunday, a few of us went for a little Sunday evening drive. I wanted to take some pictures up there. I think it turned out pretty well! I love taking pictures!!
7. The girls had their track and field day last Monday. I was thinking we would skip it and do something together, but they all wanted to go. So away we went. I spent the whole day with the. I got there just in time for my girls to run the 100m. Then we just went from one event to another. I enjoyed spending the day with my girls. They tried their hardest and I was so proud of all 3 of them. Way to go girls!! I loved watching all three of you compete and cheer on your class mates and just have fun with your friends. I love you all.
Abbi (with her broken arm) and Brianna running the 100m race. Go girls!! |
Here comes Cadence, she never ended up running against her sisters. They were disappointed!! |
8. On holiday Monday, we had a lot of the Spencer family come out to the farm for a wiener roast. It was fun to hang out and just enjoy each other. We had our hotdogs for lunch and then DJ had fun playing catch with who ever would. He loved it! Then we all went for a walk around the farm. We had Tracey here with her husband, Michael. So we showed them around. It was fun to visit and walk around. It was a really hot day too!! Richard had lunch with us and then kept working on our house. He finished laying down our laminate and then the vinyl in our bathroom. It looks so good!
DJ playing catch. |
Great Grandpa Spencer and Seth sitting in the shade. |
Hanging out with Grandpa! |
Good throw DJ!! |
Roasting some mallows with Uncle David. |
One of the beaver dams in the creek. |
Going for a walk with Tracey and her husband, Mike. |
Cooling off in the creek. |
9. Back at Easter we surprised the kids and took them to Drumheller for a little holiday. We got to go check out the Tyrrell Museum. I will do my next post on that. It was a fun vacation. I love hanging out with my family.
10. For Easter we did come back Saturday night from Drumheller. So the kids were able to find their baskets Sunday morning. We had colored eggs the Monday before. The biggest thing was our holiday. So they didn't get tons of candy but they were happy.