

Monday, April 21, 2014

DJ's Family Fun Day!

DJ had his family fun day at pre-school last week. The funny thing is, he was being super grumpy and didn't want to go. He had been so excited about it and then the day of, he didn't want to go. I finally got him dressed and out the door. He drug his feet right into the school. Then he didn't want to take his coat off or put on his name tag. I helped him, and then I got in trouble for doing that (by his teacher). I was a little bit annoyed, but I realized she's just being a teacher!! So I didn't take offense!
DJ finally got dressed and then he was being a snake. Here he is ready to bite me!!

We were getting ready to go into the gym, when Abbi came up to me. She knew I was coming and it was recess time, so she came and found me. I took one look at her and knew she wasn't feeling very good. So I went and found her teacher and told her I was taking Abbi. She agreed with me that Abbi was sick. The poor girl was fevered and just feeling awful. So I made her a bed on the bleachers and she laid there the whole time.
My poor sick girl! She really wasn't feeling good.

There were 5 stations. Our first station was the pirate ship. There were 5 little activities we did there. We sailed a ship, sank a ship, tossed rings onto hooks, sailed across the water and walked the plank. DJ thought it was the BEST! He especially liked to sword fight on the plank. He thought it was so fun!
DJ in the little ship, and we sang, "Sail, sail, sail your ship!"

DJ swabbing the deck!

Way to go matey!

I missed him swinging across but he made it, there's his feet!

DJ walking the plank with his sword. Don't let the sharks get ya!

Tossing the coins into the treasure chest!

He took it very seriously and did very good!

Then we went to the snack station. That is self explanatory. We had some pirate snacks and got our pictures taken on the pirate ship.
My cute boy and I on the pirate ship!

Then we went to the craft station. Where DJ made a beaded necklace and then he made a telescope. He had a fun time there. He was very good at counting out the beads and making sure he was doing it just perfect!
You can see his necklace around his neck and he's showing me his telescope!

Then we went to the treasure station. They got to dig for treasure in the sand. That was a huge hit. They all had a blast there.

Finding some treasure!

DJ and his friend Wake! They are only 2 months apart in age....but DJ towers over Wake!

The cutest pirate ever!!

Then we got the bouncy house station. Of course that was a huge hit too. All the little boys would chase DJ down and tackle him down together. It got a little wild in there but they all had fun. DJ is so big compared to most of the kids in his class. Even though they are all the same age!
Having fun in the bouncy house!

It was a lot of fun. He was so happy he went. Then they drew a name for the door prize and DJ won!! He was shocked and super excited. Way to go DJ!! It was a fun morning!

Poor Abbi was pretty miserable. So I took her home and she was on the couch for the rest of the day. I got her to the doctors and she had tonsillitis. Poor girl! She's doing better now.

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