Things were going good, I was cleaning the house and got the girls off to pre-K. DJ was down for a nap and I was folding clothes. Richard got home early and mentioned he had to run to Cutbank to get a few things. He wanted me to come but I was snack mom so I told him to just go. I told him (a few times, but who's counting) to take the burb. But he wanted to take his car (who knows why!)! Anyways after I was snack mom we ran to Raymond to meet mom and get a few things from her. On the way home I got a call from Richard who proceeded to tell me that his car was dead......big surprise...not!!! ha ha ha! You have to realize that this car has been on it's last leg for a while now. So he's stuck in a different country (it's only 1hr away from us though) with a dead car, which isn't worth the money to get it fixed. So I made a quick decision and turned to go to my parents place. Where I hooked up to dad's car trailer. Luckily my parents were home and took the kids. I have to say that dad and I tried 3 different vehicles with the crazy trailer to see if the lights worked. We got the flashers working on his truck, but no lights with any other vehicle. By this time we were running out of time (the border closed at 6pm). So I told dad I'd just drive with the flashers on (true farmer style!)!
I didn't have time to stop at my house or anything. I just flew through Magrath and literally floored it all the way to the border. I'm sure people thought I was crazy....flying along (not telling you how fast I was going because my dad reads this blog!!) with my flashers on! I made it to the border at 5:55pm. After that I was able to slow WAY down and go the speed limit and not stress. I was about 10 miles out of Cutbank and I gave Richard a call to tell him where I was and figure out where he was. Well I was about 2 miles out and I noticed the truck was chugging. It was dead yet, but I was running on fumes. I was pumping the gas pedal and it would surge forward, then nothing, then go forward. I coasted for quite a while doing this while I was looking for a place to pull off (the road was very skinny). I pulled over and the truck died.
I called Richard and told him I ran out of gas. We both started laughing, and I asked him, "Now what."! While I was talking I noticed a truck pulling out of the Oilfield business across the road. I jumped out and ran across the road waving at him. I guess he didn't see me until I was at his passenger side and I really scared the guy! He stopped and I told him what happened. He was very nice and we went on picked up Richard on the way to the gas station. Anyways he helped us out, or else we'd still be sitting there! A very nice guy that went out of his way to help us! We were very grateful. Funny thing is we didn't even get his name, but we thanked him over and over!
So we got the truck going and went straight to the gas station and filled up. Then we went to the business where Richard's car was sitting in the parking lot. Richard had bought a hand winch so we could get his dead car on the trailer. It was only 6' long. So it took us awhile. I would hook the chains up and he'd pull the car 6' closer and then I'd put the brakes on the car and re hook the chains up. We had to do that over and over. We finally got the dumb car on the trailer! By the time we had it strapped down and ready to go I was a frozen ice cube. I only had a hoody on, didn't have time to get a warm coat. It was almost 9pm by the time we had that all done. We just stayed the night and came home in the morning. I told Richard that all he had to do was ask me to get away for the night, instead of breaking down in the US and me coming to save him! Oh well, we got a good laugh out of it! My parents stayed with my kids and we were home around 10am the next morning (we did a quick grocery shop, since we were down there!)!
So that's how we started the week! Oh I should mention that I told Richard since I had to rescue him that I get to tell him what to do with the car! I refused to let him unload it at our house, where it would of sat there forever. I phoned the car junk place and had Richard take it there. He got a whole $75 for it! Ha ha ha ha! I think it's so funny! I'm so happy to have that thing gone. Now if we can only get the old van and truck gone too! We have way too many vehicles at our house!
We got home Tuesday and I was watching my SIL's kids for the day. So it was kind of a crazy day. It went ok though. The kids were all a little grumpy for some reason, but we survived! Wednesday the girls went to school in the afternoon and that went good. I got a few things done around the house.
Wednesday morning the kids played around and made forts in all the rooms. This was Abbi's house!
Then Thursday morning came around. I was feeling kind of lazy that morning! So we were having a slow morning! Around 9am a HUGE gust of wind came up. It wasn't a normal wind sound, it sounded like my house was seriously going to blow away. It made me jump and made DJ come running to me screaming, it was that loud. It lasted about 10 seconds. It was so weird. I didn't think much of it. I phoned my mom about 10 mins later and told her what happened. While I was talking to her I was opening the blinds to all my windows. I noticed my neighbours across the street running around grabbing things and I also noticed 2 guys in my back yard. I was a little confused and wasn't going to go out, because I was still in my jammies. I was looking out in our backyard and telling mom that the wind moved all our big toys up to our garage and neighbours fence. Then all of the sudden I realized, uh where is our trampoline. My mom was like, you can't see it. I couldn't see it anywhere. So I ran downstairs and got a big coat and boots on and went out to see where it was. The 2 workers, who are building a house behind us told me what happened. I guess with that huge gust of wind it picked up the tramp (it's not a light one either it was the heavy fancy one from costco) up and it went straight up in the air and slammed against the side of our neighbours house. Then it went straight up in the air again and went over top of their roof and flew over a vacant lot and land my the next house (3 houses away from ours). It was so crazy. They said it was the craziest sight they have ever seen. Later we had the guys that our building a house to the west of us tell us they saw it too. But they said it was crazy because the view they have of our house is just the front. So they couldn't see the tramp behind our house. But they said all of the sudden there was this huge tramp going straight up in the air and then over top of the neighbours house
It kind of freaked me out. It was crazy. I went out took side of scaffolding (the big medal part with the ladder) and carried it over to the tramp, which was upside down and up it on the tramp so it wouldn't blow away again. We found out later that our neighbours (across the road) tent trailer was picked up by the wind and slammed into their house. It was a crazy wind. So needless to say we our out a tramp. It ripped the matt and the netting and poles are history too. The frame is ok, so we'll see what we can do.
This is a picture of where the trampoline should of been, right beside the white stool.
Here's our neighbours house, if you look closely you can see the 2 white spots on their siding where it's broken (the hanging light was already like that), and the eaves trough right above the french doors are smashed. There's a couple shingles missing too, where it went over the roof.
Here's our poor trampoline. As you can see by the picture it flew quite a ways. Because there are no drag marks, this is where it landed. Our house is on the other side of the blue one.
The family eating dinner, laughing at DJ! I love my new table and chair set, so nice!
The rest of the day DJ was screaming and grabbing his ears and yelling, "OUIE, OUIE." So I called and got him in to see a doctor later in the afternoon. We went and I came prepared with our little DVD player. The kids sat and watched a movie. It worked out good. Their cousins were there too (Cam's kids) and they sat and watched the movie too. So at least it wasn't crazy in the waiting room which is what usually happens. We had to wait for quite a while, but we finally got in. The doctor looked in DJ's ears and said they were fine, they had fluid but weren't infected. He said there was probably a lot of pressure in his ears (which hurts, I know!). So nothing to be done, but it's hard to be sure, when all my kids have had bad ears. Oh while we were waiting for the doctor in the office, the girls ran to the bathroom. I told them to come right back. I was checking out the door and saw Abbi and Brianna walking back. I asked them where Cadence was when I heard a very LOUD SCREAM! Oh there she is! I was trying to find her and she was screaming her head off. I guess she went around the circle (rooms are in a circle) the wrong way and went in the wrong room. When she saw someone else in the room she thought I left her. The nurse hurried and got her and brought her too me. She was so upset. She kept screaming, "Why you leave me" (that is her biggest fear, me leaving her). She cried for a while, but I finally got her to settle down. Then the doctor came in. We went to grab stickers after and the kids were telling me which one they wanted. DJ was growling and pointing at the stickers, which usually means he wants the dinosaur one. So I gave it to him and he screamed and grabbed another one. He was getting so mad and kept saying more. I didn't understand what he wanted and finally told him we were leaving. Which made Cadence scream again, because she didn't want me to leave DJ. By this point I'm feeling a little frazzled, and am getting a lot of looks. I got the girls walking to the door and told DJ to come. Well he had a melt down. Was screaming his head off and pointing at the stickers so I picked him up and he arched his back and was screaming. That was how we walked out of the doctor's office. I couldn't get him in his seat (he's too strong when he arches his back). I was getting very frustrated. Right then Cam pulled up beside me and jumped out of his truck. DJ loves his Uncle Cam. Uncle Cam got DJ to settle down and into his seat. Thanks, Cam you saved me! I was going to go crazy!
One night at the dinner table DJ was being a goof and took a huge forkful of margarine and started eating it. He's showing us that's it's almost gone! So gross!
So that's basically a very long summary of my crazy week. I'm so glad that today is Friday! Richard and I are going out to dinner tonight with the Jenkin's. YEAH! We can have a little break.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Wow, you did have a crazy week. I can't believe the wind storm story! That is crazy that your tramp went flying - I was laughing so hard thinking of the guys across the street suddenly seeing a tramp go flying in the air over a house - so crazy!
Hey, the next time you talk to Shelley can you tell her Hi from me? She has posted comments on some of my blogs but I don't know how to get a hold of her. Tell her thanks for the comments and I've missed seeing her.
Holy Cow Janae that is insane! You definitely had a crazy week. I can't believe the tramp story. Well I can I live around here too...but wow...never seen anything like that. I'm glad you made it through your crazy crazy week. You're an amazing woman!
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