

Friday, May 11, 2012

We Love New Babies!

No we are not pregnant. But April was the month of babies on both sides of our families. I love holding new nephews or nieces. So fun! On April 18, my brother Brent and his wife, Tiffani had a new baby girl, that they named Keira. She is so adorable! She was tiny too! I believe she was 6lbs 4oz (don't quote me but it was around that weight). I took the kids to go see them at the hospital one morning. My girls were very excited to meet their new cousin. They held her so carefully. Abbi was so in love with Keira. I think if we allowed it that she would just sit there and hold Keira forever. So cute! We are super excited for Brent and Tiff. They are awesome parents, and Keira is a sweetheart!
Me being a proud Auntie and holding Keira! I just got my hair cut the day before. It's different but I love it!

Cadence holding Keira. DJ held her first, but I missed getting a picture of it. He was just fascinated with watching Keira!

Abbi was in love holding Keira. She was so proud!

Cute Brianna holding Keira!

Aaww, what a cute little family! My little brother, Brent, with his wife, Tiffani and then cute little Keira!

Then I got a very exciting call at 9:30pm at night by my brother, Cody! I was a little confused at why he was calling. They weren't due till May 10th so I wasn't even thinking about a baby right then. They had him April 30th. Of course, Cody was laughing at me when I squealed at the news. So exciting. They had a baby boy, Even James Paxman. He weighed in at 8lbs 4oz (I think), but I do remember that he was 22 1/2" long. So tall! They live in Calgary so we didn't see them right away. The girls didn't have school on Friday, so we packed up and headed out by 9am on Friday. I had called ahead on Thursday and offered to bring Ali and Mary back with us for the weekend. It worked out perfect because my sister, Megan was heading back up to Calgary Saturday night. Anyways, back to cute little Evan. We got there around 11:30am. We were all excited to see him. He was sleeping. So I got to sit there and hold him for a long time. So sweet. I love holding newborns. They are just so precious. He has the Paxman stamp on him! Ha ha! He kind of reminds me of what DJ looked like, except Evan has blond hair. So so so cute! I am so glad we came up to see him. Way to go Cody and Emily, you got your boy!
Here is cute little Evan James Paxman!

I got him with his eyes open! So so cute!

Abbi just loves holding her new cousins!

Abbi took this picture, I was trying to show her what button to push by nodding my head, that is why I look so goofy!

Brianna also loves holding her new cousins. They are getting so good at holding little babies!

So there is our exciting news about our new little nephews and our niece. I did an earlier post on Justin and Tennille's little Ethan. He was born on April 3rd. He was blessed on Sunday so we got to go and hold him too! Love new babies! So nice to hold them and cuddle them and then when they start crying or are poopy, give them back!! ha ha!

1 comment:

Jay&Nic said...

Sheesh I'm so out of the loop..I had no idea Brent and Tiffany were pregnant! Both babies are ADORABLE! Looks like so much fun!:)