Now that I'm basically caught up on my blogging, I thought I'd do another 10, just so I can post about random things that have been going on. It's fun to do and I love to read them later on! So funny!!
1. I love driving the bus. I wasn't sure we did the right thing with me taking this new job at the beginning. But Richard has been awesome and has stepped up and taken care of the kids every morning. They all love having that time with their dad. It's been so good for all of us! I've had some crazy kids on the bus that I finally assigned two of them a seat, that is away from each other, and it's been great since then!! ha ha! Keira came for a ride with me one day. Her mom taught at Raymond, so when I dropped the kids off I picked her up. Then when I went to pick up the kids in the afternoon I dropped her off to her mom. It worked out perfect. She is such a fun girl to be with! Love it!
Keira with her cheek on the window. She kept saying, "owie", then giggling. Silly girl! |
Keira with her own backpack ready to go on the bus! |
DJ on the bus with me. He fell fast asleep! |
2. Richard takes the kids to school and he normally walks DJ into Kindergarten. But then this week DJ wanted to walk in by himself, with his sisters. So Richard would drop them off and watch them walk in together and then go to work. Anyways, the first day he did that Abbi was holding DJ's hand and they walked into the school together. They were walking down the hallway and Abbi turned to talk to DJ and walked smack into the middle of a doorway (the metal bar). It hit her on her left eye. Poor girl. She went crying to the bathroom. We asked DJ what he did and he said, "I just went to my class." Oh my!! I felt so bad. What a horrible way to start her day. Love her.
3. Richard and Justin have been working so hard on the house. One night they worked until 11pm. It was super late. They were trying to get all the walls sheeted and they did. It looks so good. I love seeing things getting done. We've been a bit stressed out, because we have till Dec 1, and then we are out of the basement suite and hopefully we can move into our basement. Crazy!
This was before we got windows. |
After. The three big windows and the patio doors are on back order. So they should be here soon, hopefully! |
Richard working in the basement. |
Here's more of the basement, so nice that the floor is poured! |
DJ and I went and filled up all the gas jugs and took them to the farm. I let him drive for a little bit on the gravel road by our house. He was one happy boy! |
4. Our roofers came on Tuesday to start shingling. They were there for 30 minutes and then their foreman fell off our roof. They were at the top on the peek, and he just forgot where he was and step sideways and fell of the side of the house. So he fell 24 feet and landed on his face and hands. He broke his wrist and his cheek bone. Ouch. Man, we felt so bad for him. A little crazy. My first thought was, why weren't they using harnesses and ropes. Crazy stuff.
Here's our roof. Yeah!!! Plus the back patio door and windows. |
5. On the second day in the basement the kids found a snake in front of our door. It freaked them and me out. Then they found snake skin. Oh so disgusting. Seriously, it was not a good thing. I was so freaked out every time we went to go outside. I was always checking along the house. Same when we were coming down from the bus. I was check by the doors and alone the house, and then a branch would hit my head and I would scream and almost fall over. That happened twice. The stupid snake was really bothering me, even though we only saw it that one day. We never saw it again. I even had a nightmare about it, where it fell on my shoulders and back. I woke up SCREAMING and waving my hands everywhere. I scared Richard to death, and woke up some of the kids. It was 3 in the morning. Oops. I then started laughing over it and couldn't stop. Sheesh!
6. Richard told me one day that I could do his hair anyway I wanted. So I played with it and put gel in it and was able to put it into a little Mohawk. DJ saw his dad and wanted his hair like that too. So I quickly did DJ's hair into a Mohawk too. It was pretty funny! I had to take a picture of my two handsome men!!
My handsome boys!!!! Even with Richard's Oloff shirt!! ha ha! |
7. My brothers, Cody and David, went hunting on our land a few weeks ago. They were bow hunting. Anyways, they got their first kill with a bow. They were pretty excited. They used our quad to bring it up top. Me and the kids were there. All my kids wanted to see the deer. They had already gutted it, but they were still interested. So they saw the deer. Uncle Cody likes to tease them and tried to touch them with his bloody hands. They all screamed and ran away!!
Moving the deer into the back of the truck. |
The kids reacting to seeing the deer!! ha ha! |
Cody taking the quad down to the creek to wash it off, |
8. So this summer Eric brought out their motorhome to the farm. Even though I told him many times that we don't want it. He snuck it out there when I wasn't there. I was a bit ticked off at first. Really, I was, and he knew it!! ha ha!! Then it started to become an inside family joke. So the kids and I decided to decorate it one Friday afternoon as a joke. We were all laughing. Eric came out the next day and Richard made sure that he saw it! Ha ha! We all got a good laugh.
Ha ha....the sign says "Eric don't leave me!" |
9. We had to move out of the basement suite for one week. We moved out on Thanksgiving Monday and then we were going to move back in the next Monday. But the hunters left early, so we got to move back in on Saturday. Anyways, the week was absolutely insane. I felt like I was driving everywhere. Every night I would pack up stuff for supper and we would go out to the farm so we could eat with Richard and Justin. That was our routine. The kids have a blast out there. They love it. The only problem was I felt like we just didn't have enough time to do everything. So when we would drive home, I would have all three girls sit down and read their books all the way back to Grandma and Grandpa Paxman's house. That was exactly 20 minutes. So that worked out good. We would get home and I would get everyone ready for bed. All the kids were pretty exhausted every night. Cause they had been running, riding their bikes, and just playing hard at the farm for a good two hours every night. After we would eat, I would clean up around the house and load the truck and trailer with garbage. There is always something to do around there!
Beautiful fall colors at the farm! |
Me bringing supper out to the farm. I just heated it all up in the trailer! Busy life!! |
Cadence and Abbi doing some hand stands on the tramp. |
DJ and Brianna showing me their antlers! |
Cool picture of the kids playing on the dirt hill at dusk. |
Brianna and DJ riding their bikes around the house. |
Cadence and Abbi playing on the dirt hill. |
The sun setting. |
Awesome picture of the sun set, just as we were driving out of our lane. |
10. Last Wednesday, Richard asked if I could help him do in floor heating at a new house he's doing. So after I drove bus, I got stuff ready and took off for Magrath. We worked all morning, laying down the insulation and pipe. I had to go get DJ from Kindergarten and I brought him back. He came down and helped us finish up. We were done at about 12:30pm. DJ thought he was so big helping us push in the clips. He was a big helper!!
11. DJ hates getting his hair cut. The only way he agrees to it, is if he can have his hair sprayed blue afterwards. Beaners always does that. So I got some blue hair dye from the dollar store. I showed DJ and I had my mom cut his hair at her house. It was perfect. He was happy and loved that I sprayed his hair blue. Thanks mom!!
DJ with his cool dude, blue spike in his hair!! |
Ha ha, he took off running, as I was taking the picture. Love it! |