

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Winter Picnic!

On New Years Eve day Cody had the idea to do a winter picnic. We were going to go to Waterton but then decided to do it closer to home. So we invited everyone out to our place. Richard got a big fire going where we could roast our hotdogs. The girls and I made a hot chocolate station. We had hot chocolate in our big water cooler and had crushed mint chocolates, crushed candy canes and whip cream! Yum!! It was delicious hot chocolate if I do say so myself! Ha ha!!

Anyways, Cody and Em and their kids came, Cam, Kim and Ari, David and Jill, Tiffani and her 2 kids. We were super excited!! The only down side was it was a bit windy out. But by the fire it was pretty protected! So that's good! Everyone came out to the fire and we started eating!
Sitting around the fire waiting for everyone to show up!

We were all laughing at David' hoodie!! Ha ha!!!

Drinking some delicious hot chocolate!

Keira and Jill enjoying some hot chocolate too!

Mary, Evan and Cam roasting some hot dogs!

Mary trying to cook her hot dog perfectly!

Mary and Uncle Richard having some hot chocolate!

DJ was having way too much fun playing in the snow that he wasn't interested in eating! Silly boy! Emmett was having a blast walking around in the snow. He loved exploring and he didn't want anything to do with coming back to the fire! Ha ha!!
Brownie and Emmett enjoying the snow!

DJ was having so much fun playing in the snow!

DJ making some snow balls!

Emmett is such a cutie!

Tiffani bringing Emmett back and he's screaming! Ha ha!

So mad!

Oh Brownie made it all better!
After we finished eating some of us went to go sledding. We just did it on the hill by our house and then over on the hill in the field. It was a lot of fun. There were a few crazy wipe outs but every one made it out! Ha ha!!

Brianna was flying by me!! Love that she was smiling so big!

DJ and Mary playing on the hill!

Cody flew down!! He almost hit me too! Ha ha!

Evan was flying and he did a face plant. Poor guy! But he survived!

Everyone at the bottom of the hill!

DJ bringing the sled back up!

Cody giving Mary and DJ a push!

There goes Abbi!

Evan following Mary and DJ!

Riding back to the hosue on the back of Cody's truck. Mary, Ali, DJ and Abbi!

It was really windy out when we were trying to sled. We did it for a bit then came back to the house to warm up and have more hot chocolate. Then we sat around and visited while the kids played. It was so much fun! Good idea Cody......we all had a blast!

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